Property building, TV/Entertainment Center in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Best Western Plus

Best Western Plus Hus 57


Best Western Plus Hus 57へようこそ!スウェーデンの魅力的な町エンゲルホルムで、快適さとスタイルが出会う場所です!市中心部からわずか0.3マイルの距離に位置し、旅行者にぴったりの居心地の良い隠れ家が見つかります。1泊$115から、この4つ星の宝石は、スウェーデンの自然の美しさに囲まれながら、素晴らしいアメニティを楽しむチャンスを提供します。美味しい朝食で目を覚まし、冒険とリラクゼーションに満ちた一日をエネルギー満タンで迎えましょう。

Hus 57では、宿泊だけではなく、あなたを甘やかすために設計された施設の世界が広がっています!スキーリフト券を利用してスキーを楽しむもよし、屋内プールやスパでリラックスするもよし、誰もが楽しめる何かがあります。無料のフィットネスセンターでフィットネスルーチンを維持したり、探検の一日を終えた後にスタイリッシュなバーで社交を楽しんだりできます。家族旅行者やビジネス旅行者も、子供向けの食事や会議施設などの追加機能を評価し、ニーズに合わせた快適な滞在を確保できます。

2077件のレビューがその素晴らしさを称賛しており、あなたはきっと素晴らしい体験をすることでしょう!ゲストは、フレンドリーな24時間対応のフロントチーム、静かな眠りを保証する防音室、そして地元の風味を加える楽しいライブ音楽イベントについて絶賛しています。それでは、なぜ待つのでしょうか?エンゲルホルムの冒険に飛び込み、Best Western Plus Hus 57をあなたの第二の家にしましょう!

Bedroom, TV/Entertainment Center in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Bedroom, TV/Entertainment Center in Best Western Plus Hus 57


Family Room with Queen Bed and Sofa Bed - Non-Smoking in Best Western Plus Hus 57


1 クイーンサイズベッド


205 平方フィート

ファミリー, ソファーベッド





Queen Room with Queen Bed - Non-Smoking in Best Western Plus Hus 57


1 クイーンサイズベッド


140 平方フィート

スタンダード, クイーンサイズ





Single Room with Single Bed - Non-Smoking in Best Western Plus Hus 57


1 シングルベッド


110 平方フィート

スタンダード, 1 シングルベッド






しかし、待ってください、Best Western Plus Hus 57での冒険にはまだまだ続きがあります!温水の屋内プールでリラックスし、探索の一日の終わりを癒しのひとときで締めくくるか、朝の爽やかなスタートを切りましょう。そして、大人の皆さん、静けさが支配する大人専用のプランジプールで、十分に価値のある安らぎを楽しむことをお忘れなく。心配を洗い流したり、数周泳いだりして、次の冒険に向けてリフレッシュし、充電されること間違いなしです。

お腹が空いたら、Restaurang #1での素晴らしいダイニング体験をお楽しみください。このファミリー向けのレストランでは、活気に満ちた温かい雰囲気の中で現代的な料理を提供し、すべての食事が祝祭のようになります。地元の風味や国際的な料理を新鮮な食材で調理し、味わってみてください。景色を楽しみながらの朝食や、家族や友人とのディナーを楽しむ自分を想像してみてください—明るいダイニングの雰囲気があなたを笑顔にさせることを保証します!

Property Building in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Lobby or reception, Seating Area in Best Western Plus Hus 57


Ängelholmを探索する準備を整えたら、Best Western Plus Hus 57の心温まるスタッフがあなたを自宅のように感じさせてくれます。彼らはフレンドリーな笑顔とパーソナライズされたサービスで知られており、地元の観光名所の推薦から旅行計画の手助けまで、24時間体制であなたのすべてのニーズに応えてくれます。さらに、複数の広々とした部屋タイプが用意されているので、旅行スタイルに合わせた完璧なスペースを選ぶことができます—居心地の良いシングルリトリートでも、ファミリースイートでも、スウェーデンの冒険の一日を終えた後にあなたを迎え入れる魅力的な宿泊施設が見つかります。荷物を unpack して、冒険を始めましょう!

Bedroom, Bed in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Bedroom, Bed in Best Western Plus Hus 57










Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in Best Western Plus Hus 57


屋内の, 大人専用

オールシーズン, 温水, 飛び込み付き

Spa and wellness centre/facilities in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Spa and wellness centre/facilities, Swimming Pool in Best Western Plus Hus 57


Restaurang #1

ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな

Food close-up in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Restaurant/Places to Eat in Best Western Plus Hus 57
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Best Western Plus Hus 57
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. It was a last minute booking due on a family camper van road trip from Stockholm to England, due to a big storm. We stayed two nights. The rooms were spacious, even with the four of us and it had a large wet room with dimmable lights, which was ideal at nightime. We spent much of our time in the hotel as the weather was awful, but did venture out to a couple of really nice restaurants nearby. The spa facilities were really nice and even though there isn't a proper swimming pool, there is a Japanese pool, sauna and hot tub. There is also plenty of space to relax. The kids were entertained with table tennis, table football, chess and there is even a small trail for them to complete around the hotel. Breakfast was amazing and included everything that I could possibly want to eat, cooked breakfast, breads, meats, cereals, cheeses, pastries and more.


Everything exceeded the expectations. The breakfast fast really great, (crumbled) eggs, pancakes, even gluten-free ones, a lot of fruit and vegetables and fresh sprouts leaded to the most healthiest, but also most extensive breakfast, I had in a hotel. The beds are very comfortable and the rooms have fresh air and are allergy-friendly. The wellness is small, but offer Jacuzzi, Sauna and a japanese bath and were to enjoy. There is table tennis and tabe soccer, so you will not be bored on rainy days. It is 20 minutes from the beach and 5 minutes from the 'main' shopping route of Aengelholm.


The breakfast was excellent. (Except for the turkey pastrami which war regularly dry). The best evidence of the quality of breakfast is the fact that obviously many people from the outside come there for breakfast. Social rooms were very nice. The gym was excellent. By the way the Øresund train provides excellent connection with CPH Copenhahagen Airport.


We visited Ängelholm to do the flight simulator at the close by flight museum. The hotel was a great distance, there was free parking. The room was nice and clean and the food in the restaurant was really good! The bar area is really large and super comfortable! The staff was super friendly and we chatted with the bartender and had an overall really good time!


Breakfast was wonderful, with terrific choices. extras like daily ginger shots, gut healthy juices, and delicious fresh fruit , made a difference. The vegan options were impressive, but a little variable from day to day. Also fab to have a bath, in Sweden it’s usually only shower.


We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. It was a last minute booking due on a family camper van road trip from Stockholm to England, due to a big storm. We stayed two nights. The rooms were spacious, even with the four of us and it had a large wet room with dimmable lights, which was ideal at nightime. We spent much of our time in the hotel as the weather was awful, but did venture out to a couple of really nice restaurants nearby. The spa facilities were really nice and even though there isn't a proper swimming pool, there is a Japanese pool, sauna and hot tub. There is also plenty of space to relax. The kids were entertained with table tennis, table football, chess and there is even a small trail for them to complete around the hotel. Breakfast was amazing and included everything that I could possibly want to eat, cooked breakfast, breads, meats, cereals, cheeses, pastries and more.


Everything exceeded the expectations. The breakfast fast really great, (crumbled) eggs, pancakes, even gluten-free ones, a lot of fruit and vegetables and fresh sprouts leaded to the most healthiest, but also most extensive breakfast, I had in a hotel. The beds are very comfortable and the rooms have fresh air and are allergy-friendly. The wellness is small, but offer Jacuzzi, Sauna and a japanese bath and were to enjoy. There is table tennis and tabe soccer, so you will not be bored on rainy days. It is 20 minutes from the beach and 5 minutes from the 'main' shopping route of Aengelholm.


The breakfast was excellent. (Except for the turkey pastrami which war regularly dry). The best evidence of the quality of breakfast is the fact that obviously many people from the outside come there for breakfast. Social rooms were very nice. The gym was excellent. By the way the Øresund train provides excellent connection with CPH Copenhahagen Airport.


We visited Ängelholm to do the flight simulator at the close by flight museum. The hotel was a great distance, there was free parking. The room was nice and clean and the food in the restaurant was really good! The bar area is really large and super comfortable! The staff was super friendly and we chatted with the bartender and had an overall really good time!


Breakfast was wonderful, with terrific choices. extras like daily ginger shots, gut healthy juices, and delicious fresh fruit , made a difference. The vegan options were impressive, but a little variable from day to day. Also fab to have a bath, in Sweden it’s usually only shower.


We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. It was a last minute booking due on a family camper van road trip from Stockholm to England, due to a big storm. We stayed two nights. The rooms were spacious, even with the four of us and it had a large wet room with dimmable lights, which was ideal at nightime. We spent much of our time in the hotel as the weather was awful, but did venture out to a couple of really nice restaurants nearby. The spa facilities were really nice and even though there isn't a proper swimming pool, there is a Japanese pool, sauna and hot tub. There is also plenty of space to relax. The kids were entertained with table tennis, table football, chess and there is even a small trail for them to complete around the hotel. Breakfast was amazing and included everything that I could possibly want to eat, cooked breakfast, breads, meats, cereals, cheeses, pastries and more.


Everything exceeded the expectations. The breakfast fast really great, (crumbled) eggs, pancakes, even gluten-free ones, a lot of fruit and vegetables and fresh sprouts leaded to the most healthiest, but also most extensive breakfast, I had in a hotel. The beds are very comfortable and the rooms have fresh air and are allergy-friendly. The wellness is small, but offer Jacuzzi, Sauna and a japanese bath and were to enjoy. There is table tennis and tabe soccer, so you will not be bored on rainy days. It is 20 minutes from the beach and 5 minutes from the 'main' shopping route of Aengelholm.


The breakfast was excellent. (Except for the turkey pastrami which war regularly dry). The best evidence of the quality of breakfast is the fact that obviously many people from the outside come there for breakfast. Social rooms were very nice. The gym was excellent. By the way the Øresund train provides excellent connection with CPH Copenhahagen Airport.


We visited Ängelholm to do the flight simulator at the close by flight museum. The hotel was a great distance, there was free parking. The room was nice and clean and the food in the restaurant was really good! The bar area is really large and super comfortable! The staff was super friendly and we chatted with the bartender and had an overall really good time!


Breakfast was wonderful, with terrific choices. extras like daily ginger shots, gut healthy juices, and delicious fresh fruit , made a difference. The vegan options were impressive, but a little variable from day to day. Also fab to have a bath, in Sweden it’s usually only shower.



Ostergatan 57, Angelholm, 262 31, スウェーデン

Best Western Plus Hus 57